Weight Loss

Avocado: nature's butter

With their creamy and rich texture, avocados are truly nature's butter. One of the healthiest fruit, avocadoes are rich in monounsaturated healthy fats, in particular oleic acid which, means they are beneficial in maintaining healthy cholesterol levels and reducing inflammation. Among its health benefits, avocadoes can support immune system function, benefit eye health, aid in weight loss and appetite regulation, maintain healthy blood pressure and keep our good gut bacteria happy.

Coconut oil: why everyone is going coconuts over it

There's been a lot of hype surrounding coconut oil in recent years with many labelling it as a 'superfood' due to its many health benefits and applications. Coconut oil is extracted from the dried flesh of the coconut. While coconut oil and coconut milk are made up of mostly saturated fat, about half of the saturated is actually a beneficial type of  fat known as medium-chain triglycerides (MCT). The MCTs in coconut oil are made up of lauric, caprylic and capric fatty acids. In the body, lauric acid converts to monolaurin, a compound know to boost and support the immune system.